Fallout 4: All Metro Sculptures -- Goodneighbor Comparisons

While cataloguing all the bronze Metro sculptures in Fallout 4, I learned that the Metro sculptures might all have unique form IDs to refer to where they appear in the game cells, but there are several which have the exact same placement despite having multiple form IDs. After doing some digging, I intuited that this is due to the way the programmers solved the unique challenge of coding Goodneighbor: the settlement is duplicated in its own cell. There are three types of cells in the base game: Interiors, Exteriors (termed Commonwealth cells), and Goodneighbor. The reason these assets appear multiple times in game files despite referencing the same structure is because that structure is visible in multiple cells.

But that's not all that strange. What is strange is the possible meta implications of something else I noticed in the process of cataloguing the Metro sculptures: Two of the Goodneighbor buildings look dramatically different depending on whether you're inside or outside the settlement.

Research compiled in cooperation with Anachorite.

All FO4 Metro Sculptures, sorted by Proximity
All FO4 Metro Sculptures, sorted by Type
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Inside Goodneighbor Outside Goodneighbor

Form ID: 00067897 (Metroman1)
Location: Hotel Rexford
Cell: GoodneighborOrigin [5, -3]

Form ID: 00114116 (Metroman1)
Location: Hotel Rexford
Cell: GoodneighborExt03 [5, -3]

ID: 00067033 (Metrowoman2a)
Cell: [5, -3] GoodneighborOrigin
Location: (Goodneighbor, across from Memory Den)

ID: 00044BA7 (Metrowoman2a)
Cell: [5, -3] GoodneighborExt03
Location: (Goodneighbor, across from Memory Den)

ID: 00207301 (Metrowoman2a)
Cell: [6, -2] Wilderness
Location: (on a theater South of Faneuil Hall)

ID: 0011F21E (Metrowoman2a)
Cell: [6, -2] GoodneighborExt03
Location: (on a theater South of Faneuil Hall)